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Alerta interventii constructii parazitare – Obiectiv monitorizat de BACU prin programul SOC MOD !
Complexul cu functiuni mixte ( locuinte collective + spatii comerciale), zona Budapesta, Bucuresti (1960-1964)
Complexul de locuinte colective de pe Bulevardul Dimitrie Cantemir este un imobil cu functiune mixta avand la parter spatii comerciale, functiune mentinuta pana in anii 1990. Acest spatiu a fost preluat de Dristor Kebap, schimbandui-se destinatia in spatii cu destinatia de alimentatia publica – fast-food.
Intre blocurile de 7-8 etaje, adiacent fatadei posterioare se afla Centrala Termica Marasesti 9-10 cu un acoperis hiperboloidal creat in spiritul modernist socialist ca si de altfel intreg complexul de locuinte – reabilitat termic inadecvat in anii precedenti cu acordul primariei locale sector 4 fara a pastra stilistica fatadei initiale, tipice perioadei in care a fost executat si fara acordul arhitectilor/autorilor proiectului de arhitectura.
Revenind la centrala termica creata in anii 1960 dupa proiectul colectivului de proiectare Proiect Bucuresti va atragem atentia ca este supusa unei interventii parazitare de actualii administratori al spatiului comercial folostit ca restaurant/fast-food – Dristor Kebap. Nu detinem inca informatii referitoare la acordurile si autorizatiile obtinute in vederea realizarii acestei interventii (vom verifica in perioada urmatoare).
Pe aceasta cale inaintam oficial o solicitare Primariei Sectorului 4 pentru lamuriri in ceea ce priveste edificarea constructiei parazitare localizata in partea din lateral stanga al centralei termice Marasesti 9-10 si ca va rog sa luati in considerare ca obiectivul mentionat este monitorizat de Asociatia BACU prin programul SOC MOD aflandu-se in inventarul Asociatiei pentru a fi inclus in lista monumentelor istorice.
Heritage alert against parasitic structures
Building monitored by BACU through the SOC MOD Program
Mixed housing and commercial building, Budapesta Restaurant area, Bucuresti (1960-1964)
The collective housing complex on Dimitrie Cantemir Avenue is a mixed function building, with commercial spaces on the ground floor – a function it maintained until the ’90s. Subsequently, the commercial space was leased by Dristor Kebap, and its function was changed to catering, being turned into a fast-food restaurant.
Between the 7-8 floor blocks of flats, next to the posterior facade, was thermal plant Marasesti 9-10. The plant has a hyperboloidal roof and, as the whole complex, was built in modernist style. In recent years, the block underwent thermic rehabilitation with the blessing of the Sector 4 Council. The works were inadequate and failed to preserve the styllistic details of the original facade, typical of the period. They also did not have the approval of the architects of the building.
We must point out that the thermal plant, designed in the 60s by Proiect Bucuresti, is now assaulted by parasitic interventions made by the current administators of the fast food – Dristor Kebap. We do not have all the information on existing authorisations and agreements for these interventions (we are in the process of finding out).
We are hereby filing and offical complaint with the Sector 4 Coouncil to clarify the building of a parasitic structures on the left side of thermal plant Marasesti 9-10 and please note that this objective is monitored by BACU Association through its SocMod Program, and earmarked by BACU in order to be included on the Historical Monuments List.
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